Monday, February 6, 2012

1 year later ...

Let's go with the bullet point version:

-I graduated Nursing school!
-I've been completing Rosetta Stone lessons (espanol baby!) daily
-I am still applying ALL over for a nursing job *crossing fingers*
-James is extremely busy with work, thanking the karma!
-James is excited about potentially becoming a crop duster ... so hottt!!! :-D
-Madge and the Bean have been in Tae kwon do for 1 month
-They both received their black stripe and are working toward their yellow stripe (so proud)
-They answer "Yes Sir" or "Yes Mom" (ummm ... awesome!)
-They will walk in the annual Bok Kai parade representing Han Mi Tae kwon do at the end of this month (excitement)
-Lately, I have been feeling so overwhelming happy and blessed, but the weirdest thing is I keep breaking out into crying fits ... happy tears ... just weird and way too chick-ish! ;-)
-Excited for the future, starting a career in the field of nursing, and awaiting next September when my lil preemie McTwinsies start Kindergarten!
-Working on that positive karma energy: gratefulness, humility, loyalty, kindness, sympathy, generosity, humor, and of course LOVE baby!
-Goals: Squeeze and kiss neglected family members. We miss y'all so much. We love y'all.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy 2011

Hello neglected and faithful followers of our happy little blog *cricket, cricket* ... that's ok, I like to look at this blog and just knowing its out here for friends and family to look at keeps me warm and fuzzy. So, (to myself ;0) 2011 has been an exciting year so far. To be selfish and talk about myself, I am 3 weeks deep in my accelerated BSN program. I LOVE it! It has been a great 3 weeks and I so look forward to the remaining 47. I have already decided that after I am a licensed RN I will #1 become fluent in espanol, and #2 get my Master's degree as a Nurse Practitioner. Giddy up, here's to the next decade of school.

Now let's talk about James. Look, I know you came here to hear about the kids so that's why I'm dragging it out. Haha! He is amazingly busy with construction jobs that keep him busy and get the bills paid. *knocking on wood so I don't jinx anything* We are so very grateful for the business, but if I may brag, J is the bomb dot com at building whatever you need. He deserves success in this because he works his tail off and is truly one of the last 'good ole boys' in the industry. ... and he's so darn cute to look at! ;)

Ok, ok, ok the girls. They started preschool last August (2010) and are continuing with that while I'm in the nursing program. I am so amazed at how they have matured and learned in the preschool environment. Their letter and number recognition is amazing and their social skills are incredible. Last Thursday when I was dropping them off a classmate of their's was crying because her mommy had left her. Madison and Carmen ran over to her and took turns hugging her and telling her they would play with her. It was the sweetest thing and warmed my heart, I thought about it all day in class and couldn't wait to see them again so I could kiss their sweet faces.

Most exciting news though: my dad is coming out to stay with us at the end of February until I graduate in December. He is going to tutor the girls with his jedi instructor abilities. We are so happy and excited and thankful that he is coming out here. What an amazing Zampa-zampa! My mom will be coming out for a week when he arrives, I can't wait to see her as well. ... I'm trying to get them to move out here but shhhhh, don't let them know that. :)

Also since we are mentioning fabulous people my in-laws belong in this lovefest. My father and mother-in-law have been so incredibly supportive of us with me going back to school. Last Friday my mother-in-law took the girls to the doctor (Carmen has had a bit of a cough) and watched them all day for us. There is no way we would be in our current situation without Oma and Opa.

So basically life is beautiful. We are so blessed, we are so grateful, and we are so excited for today, tomorrow, and the future. Next time I'll have a picture for you, my camera broke many moons ago and unfortunately it is not on the top of the 'to buy' list. So until then love ya, see ya soon I hope!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Its a good life

Happy summer 2010. We have had a quiet summer so far, just hangin around the house trying to stay cool.
The girls are energy-aholics and I am worn out daily. We bought a little blow up pool for some swimmin time but the girls kinda loathe it and it now serves as Chubs' water dish. :)
I will take 5 more classes in the Fall and hopefully find out sometime in September if I am accepted into a BSN program. *fingers crossed*
James has been so busy this summer, thanking our lucky stars. We are just staying low key and are feeling grateful for our family and friends. Big hugs to everyone. Much Love, J, Bri, Madgie + Carmie

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Time is flying ...

... probably because school has been keeping me so busy. In May 2010 I can apply to a Nursing school and either get on a waitlist for a community college or pay a ton of money and start the RN program in January 2011. ??? Still not sure which way I'm going with that.
The girls have been cute as ever, of course. Santa brought Barbie jeeps and we've barely got to use them because we haven't had any non-rainy days this winter. These pictures were taken on Christmas Day, which was a fabulous time with friends and family. We stayed in Cali this year and left for Baja on Dec. 28th.
We got to ring in 2010 in Mexico with the sun shining and mas cervezas. The girls were pretty funny about freaking out if their feet touched sand. haha! They so remind us of me getting out of the long jump pit annoyed if sand got on my hands. They are turning 3 in about a month, I know everyone says it but- man that went by quick. A few weeks after their 3rd birthday James is turning the HUGE 30 ... talk about an old man. ;-)
Other then that we are just living our lives and having a great time. We are thinking of getting the girls into Karate or dance ... what do ya'll think?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Almost September already?!

How'd the time fly?
We got back from Montana around August 11th and after being gone for 18 days home is pretty good. It was amazing though. We camped in the Hungry Horse Reservoir again but instead of the Spotted Bear campground we stayed at last year, we tried a new camp site on the Twin Creek (and by "camping" I mean we towed our RVs in and had to rough it by cutting down our power and water usage). This site was absolutely perfect. We were about 100 meters from where the Twin Creek dumped into the North Fork of the Flathead River. There was a huge gravel bar and we were able to take the girls there and watch J and Opa fish. It was something out of a movie. They caught 2 HUGE trout, we saw a black bear crossing the river (about 400 meters away from us) and we saw a Bald Eagle flying over head through the canyon. I wish I'd had my video recorder. It was such a relaxing vacation and the girls were amazingly good.
We also stopped in to Utah to visit the Cline's and the Hill's for a few days before we headed to Montana. I wish my stupid camera would have turned out the pictures because we had 5 cousins with 4 of them within about a year and a half of each other. It was very cool to see them all together ... stealing each others' toys ... Madge learned "MINE" and I think it has replaced her favorite "What's that?" phrase. HAHA! It really was fun to see. That's all for now.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kisses, kisses, muah, muah!

Love my girls! They are so much fun!
We're going on vacation to Montana in about a month. For now these little girls are running around crazy this summer having a blast.
..... at the request of Grandma C (which gives me such inner joy) ... Carmen is the top picture. Madison is underneath. And at the table Carmen is on the left and Madison is stuffing the spaghetti in her mouth. They are so gorgeous!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Summer time and the livin's easy

Daddy and the girls hangin in the super fly kiddie pool. Best 15 bucks ever spent. We have already logged about 10 hours in it. Carmen loved it right away and Madge just needed to get warmed up to it. They get so mad when I drag their pruned up bodies out of there.
In the background you can see the new addition to the "compound". A 400 sq ft apartment on top and a Mexican inspired (minus the swine flu) oudoor kitchen below. Still trying to get a certain rad-tech to move into that apartment . . .